教授 張康 Kang C. Jea 美國德州大學奧斯汀分校數學博士 數值迭代法、數值分析
教授 何清人 Tsing-Jen Ho 美國福爾丹大學數學博士 泛函分析、調和分析
- Study on W-UR,W-NUC and W-R(W-勻凸性、W-幾乎均凸性和完全W凸性之研究)
- Study on K-UR,K-NUR and K-R(K-勻凸性、K-幾乎均凸性和完全K凸性之研究)(82.8.1-83.7.31)
- On kR and wR Sets(全k凸性集合與全W凸性集合)
- On K-UR Sets(論K均凸集)
研究室號碼:MA328 聯絡電話:(02)2905-2445 EMail:tjho@math.fju.edu.tw
教授 兼系主任 郭仲成 Chung-Cheng Kuo 清華大學數學博士 非線性分析、算子理論
- C.- W. Ha and C.- C. Kuo, On the solvability of a two point boundary value problem at resonance, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Anal.,1 (1993),295-302.
- C.- W. Ha and C.- C. Kuo, Nonselfadjoint resonance problems with nonlinearities of superlinear growth, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Anal.,5 (1995),357-364.
- C.- C. Kuo and S.- Y. Shaw, C-cosine functions and the abstract Cauchy problem I, J.Math.Anal.Appl., 210 (1997),632-646.
- C.- C. Kuo and S.- Y. Shaw, C-cosine functions and the abstract Cauchy problem II, J.Math.Anal.Appl., 210 (1997),647-666.
- C.- C. Kuo, On the solvability of a nonlinear second order elliptic equation at resonance, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,124 (1996),83-87.
- C.- C. Kuo, On the solvability of nonselfadjoint resonance problems, Nonlinear Anal., 26(5) (1996),887-891.
- C.- W. Ha and C.- C. Kuo, On the solvability of a two point boundary value problem at resonance II, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Anal., 11 (1998),159-168.
- C.- C. Kuo, On the solvability of a Neumann boundary value problem at resonance, Canadian Math. Bulletin 40 (1997),464-470.
- C.- C. Kuo, Solvability of a nonlinear two-point boundary value problem at resonance, J. Differential Equations ,140(1997),1-9.
- C.- C. Kuo, On the solvability of a nonlinear second order elliptic equation at resonance II, Nonlinear Anal. 39(2000),923-927.
- C.- C. Kuo, On the solvability of semilinear differential equations at resonance, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 43(2000), 103-112.
- C.- C. Kuo and S.- Y. Shaw, On $\alpha$-times integrated C-semigroups and the abstract Cauchy problem, Studia Math.142(2000),201-217.
- C.- C. Kuo, On the solvability of a Quasilinear elliptic resonance problem near its first eigenvalue, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 234 (1999), 91-108.
- C.- C. Kuo, Periodic solutions of a two-point boundary value problem at resonance, Osaka J. Math.,37(2000),345-353.
- C.- C. Kuo, Some existence theorems for nonselfadjoint resonance problems, Comm. Applied Nonlinear Anal.,7(2000),63-71.
- C.- C. Kuo, Solvability of a quasilinear elliptic resonance equation on the N-torus, Applicable analysis, 80(2001),79-94.
- C.-C. Kuo, On the Solvability of a quasilinear parabolic partial differential equation at resonance, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 275(2002), 913-937.
- C.- C. Kuo, Solvability of a nonlinear two point boundary value problem at resonance II, Nonlinear analysis, 54(2003), 565-573.
- C.C.Kuo and S.-Y. Shaw, On strong and weak solutions of abstract Cauchy problems, J. Concrete and Applicable Mathematics, 2003 (Accepted).
- C.C. Kuo, One-sided multiple resonance for quasilinear elliptic partial defferential equations, Applicable Anal. ,(2003), (Accepted)
研究室號碼:MA323 聯絡電話:(02)2905-3549 系主任電話:(02)2905-2450 EMail:cckuo@math.fju.edu.tw
副教授 葉遷輝 Chen-Hui Yeh 台灣大學數學碩士 代數、離散數學、作業研究
研究室號碼:MA320 聯絡電話:(02)2905-2440 EMail:math1012@mails.fju.edu.tw
副教授 陳思勉 Sy-Mien Chen 美國馬里蘭大學數學博士 統計推論、工業統計
- Sy-Mien Chen (1994) " A Study on Variables Sampling Plan ", Fu-Jen Studies,No. 28, 1 - 23.
- Sy-Mien Chen and Nai-Feng Hsu (1995) " The Asymptotic Distribution of the Process Capability Index Cpmk ", Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods,24(5),1279 - 1291.
- Sy-Mien Chen and Yu-Sheng Hsu (1995). " Kernel and double kernel discriminant analyses using both continuous and discrete variables ", Fu-Jen Studies, No. 29, 29 - 36.
- Sy-Mien Chen and Ai-Yen Wu (1996). " A Simulation Study On - Type Indices ", Fu-Jen Studies, No. 30, 23 - 43.
- Chen, S.M. and Pearn, W.L. (1997), " The Asymptotic Distribution of the Estimated Process Capability Index ", Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 26(10), 2489-2497.
- Chen, S.M. (1997), " Asymptotic Distribution of the Type Indices for Non-Normal Processes ", Fu-Jen Studies, Science and Engineering, No. 31, 77-88.
- Chen, S.M. (1998). "Distributional Property of the Incapability Index Cpp Under Edgeworth Series Distribution for processes with Symmetric Tolerances". Fu Jen Studies, Science and Engineering, 32, 69-78.
- Sy-Mien Chen and Yu-Sheng Hsu (1999). "Central Limit Theorems for Estimators of Some Process Capability Indices Based on m Dependent Stationary Processes". American Statistical Association, 1999 Proceedings of the Section on Quality and Productivity, 50-55.
- Sy-Mien Chen and Yu-Sheng Hsu (1999). "Asymptotic Distribution for Estimator of Process Incapability Index for Second Order Stationary Processes". Fu Jen Studies, Science and Engineering, 33, 121-131.
- Sy-Mien Chen, Yu-Sheng Hsu and W. L. Pearn (2000). "Estimating Process Capability Index for Dependent Stationary Process". Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics, 4(1), 45-64.
- Sy-Mien Chen and Yu-Sheng Hsu (2000). " Asymptotic Analysis of Estimators for Based on Quantile Estimators". Journal of Nonparametric Statitistics. In press.
- Sy-Mien Chen and Yu-Sheng Hsu (2000). " Estimators of Process Capability Index for Symmetric Porcesseswith Known Center of Symmetry". Fu Jen Studies, Science and Engineering, 34, 15-34.
- Sy-Mien Chen and Yu-Sheng Hsu (2001). "Density and Generating Function Estimations of Random Dum". Les Annales de I'I.S.U.P. Vol 45-Fasc. 2-3.
- Sy-Mien Chen and Yu-Sheng Hsu (2001). "Explaining marginal and joint density function of order statistics through identities". Journal of Propagations in Probability and Statistics. Vol 2, No 1. International Ed. 113-116.
- 申賢英,陳思勉及許玉生(2001). "A Study on the Process Capability Index Cpk Comparisons". Accepted by Fu Jen Studies, Science and Engineering.
- Pearn, W.L.,Lin, G.H. and Chen, S.M. (2002). "A note on the distributions of the estimated Cpk with asymmetric tolerances". Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics. 6(1),25-37.
- Sy-Mien Chen and Hsiao-Wen Huang(2002)."A simulation Study of Confidence Intervals of Process Capability Index Cpn via Miss Rate". Fu Jen Studies, Science and Engineering. No 36,159-178.
- Sy-Mien Chen and Yu-Sheng Hsu and W. L. Pearn (2002). "Capability Measures for m-Dependent Stationary Processes".Statistics.37(2),145-168.(SCI)
- Sy-Mien Chen and Yu-Sheng Hsu (2003). "Asymptotic Analysis of Estimators for Based on Quantile Estimators". Journal of Nonparametric Statitistics. 15(2),137-150.(SCI)
- Sy-Mien Chen and Yu-Sheng Hsu (2003)."A note on Estimation for An Exponential Hazard Rate".Journal of Probability and Statistical Science.1(2),249-253.
- Sy-Mien Chen and Yu-Sheng Hsu (2003)."UMP test for Process Capability Index Cpk". Quality Technology and Quality Management.(Accepted)
研究室號碼:MA322 聯絡電話:(02)2905-2451 EMail:smchen@math.fju.edu.tw
副教授 邱文齡 Wen-Lin Chiou 美國伊利諾大學芝加哥分校數學博士 隨機過程與隨機微分方程
- W.-L. Chiou, W.-R. Chiueh and Stephen S. T. Yau, Mitter conjecture for low dimensional estimation algebras in nonlinear filtering, International Journal of Control, Vol. 81, No. 11, pp1793-1805, November 2008. (SCI, EI)
- W.-L. Chiou, W.-R. Chiueh and Stephen S. T. Yau , Structure theorem for five dimensional estimation algebras , Systems & Control Letters , Vol. 55, Issue 4, pp275-286, April 2006 . (SCI)
- G.-Q. Hu. S. S. T. Yau and W.-L. Chiou, Finite-Dimensional Filters with nonlinear Drift XIII: Classification of Finite-Dimensional Estimation Algebras of Maximal Rank with State Space Dimension Five, Asian J. Math., Vol. 4, No. 4, pp.905-932, 2000.
- W.-L, Chiou and C.-B. Lu(1997), A Note on Estimation Algebras with Maximal Rank, Fu Jen Studies, No.31, pp.33-51. (NSC-86-2115-M-030-002)
- Wen-Lin Chiou (1996), A Note on Estimation Algebras on Nonlinear Filtering Theory, Systems & Control Letters, pp. 55-63, Vol 28, 1996. (SCI)(NSC-82-0208-M-030-030-).
- W.-L. Chiou(1996), A Result on Nonlinear Filters, Fu Jen Studies, No.30, pp.97-115, 1995. NSC-85-2121-M-030-004-)
- W.-L. Chiou (1995), Some Results on Estimation Algebras in Nonlinear Filtering Theory, Fu Jen Studies, No.29, pp.41-58, 1995.(NSC-84-2121-M-030-004-)
- Wen-Lin Chiou and Stephen S.-T. Yau (1994), Finite-Dimensional Filters with Nonlinear Drift II: Brockett`s Problem on Classification of Finite-dimensional Estimation Algebras, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, pp. 297-310, Vol. 32, No. 1, Jan. 1994.(SCI)
- C.-S. Lee S.-Y. Shaw and W.-L. Chiou (1986), Representation Formulas for Cosine Functions of Operator II, Acta Math., pp. 63-75, Vol. 31, 1986.(SCI)
- 1. Hsiao, Chih-Ru and Chiou, Wen-Lin (2007): On the Reduced Game of a Cooperative Game and its Solution, 2007 Joint Conference in Game Theory and Decentralization Program, Oct. 19-22, Institute of Economics Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
- W.-L. Chiou, W.-R. Chiueh and Stephen S. T. Yau (2003), Recent Results on Classification of Low Dimensional Estimation Algebras, Proceedings of The 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 5853-5858, Dec. 9-12, Hawaii, U.S.A. (NSC-87-2115-M-030-001-)
- W.-L. Chiou, W.-R. Chiueh (1999), Classification of Finite Dimensional Estimation Algebras, 1999年數學學術研討會暨中華民國數學會年會(慶祝輔仁大學創校七十週年校慶)論文集
- Wen-Lin Chiou (1995), Estimation Algebras on Nonlinear Filtering Theory, Proceedings of the International Conference on Control and Information, pp. 367-369, June 5-9, 1995, Hong Kong.
- S. S.-T. Yau and W.-L. Chiou (1993), Explicit construction of finite dimensional nonlinear filters with state space dimension 2, Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, PP. 710-713, Dec. 1993, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- S. S.-T. Yau and W.-L. Chiou (1991), Recent Results on Classification of Finite Dimensional Estimation Algebras: Dimension of State Space less than or equal to 2, Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2758-2760,Dec. 11-13.
- 全國數學建模競賽題目之研究(96-2511-S-031-001-MY3) 共同主持人2007.08.01 至 2010.07.31
- 有關於過濾系統的一Kolmogorov型方程式之研究(NSC-93-2115-M-030-004)
- 一群過濾系統的有限維非線性過濾。(輔大聖言會單位計畫90年10月至91年7月)
- 一種直接構造有限為過濾的方法。(NSC-89-2115-M-030-002)
- 在非線性過濾有限可計算統計量。(NSC-88-2115-M-030-001)
- 在有限維狀態空間M維(M≦6)估計代數的分類。(NSC-87-2115-M-030-001-)
- 具有最大秩的估計代數。(NSC-86-2115-M-030-002)
- 有限維的過濾。(NSC-85-2121-M-030-004-)
- 在狀態空間維數小於或等於3的有限維不具最大秩的估計代數。(NSC-84-2121-M-030-004-)
- 在非線性過濾理論上的估計代數。(NSC-82-0208-M-030-030)
- 在非線性過濾理論上的巴拉克問題。(NSC-81-0208-M-)
研究室號碼:MA321 聯絡電話:(02)2905-3544 EMail:chiou@math.fju.edu.tw
副教授 蕭鴻銘 Hong-Min Shaw 美國俄亥俄州立大學數學博士 離散數學、圖論
- Hamiltonicity of Certain Graphs-the Closure Approach(以閉包來探討一些圖的漢米爾頓性質)(83.2.1-84.7.31)
- Hamiltonian Properties of Domination Critical Graphs(控制臨界面圖的漢米爾頓性質)(82.10.1-83.7.31)
- On Edge Fault-Tolerant Hamiltonian Graph(盈邊漢米爾頓圖)
- The Cude of Every Connected Graph is 1-Edge Fault-Tolerant Hamiltonian(任何連通圖的立方為1-盈邊漢米爾頓圖)
- Preflow-push Algorthms for Maximum Flow Problems(最大流問題之Preflow-push演算法)(84.8.1-85.7.31)
研究室號碼:MA326 聯絡電話:(02)2905-3546 EMail:hmshaw@math.fju.edu.tw
副教授 楊南屏 Nanping Yang 美國奧勒崗大學數學博士 近似理論、泛函分析
- On Segmented L1 Approximations (L1區段逼近之研究)(84.2.1-84.7.31)
- On the Uniquencess of Nonlinear Approximations (非線性逼近之唯一性)(83.10.1-84.7.31)
- Segmented L2 Approximations from Extended Chebyshev Space (從廣義柴比雪夫空間作L2區段逼近)(84.8.1-85.7.31)
研究室號碼:MA319 聯絡電話:(02)2905-3545 EMail:yang@math.fju.edu.tw
副教授 張茂盛 Mao-Sheng Chang 中央大學數學博士 偏微分方程、常微分方程
研究室號碼:MA329 聯絡電話:(02)2905-2589 EMail:mschang@math.fju.edu.tw
副教授 李安莉 Anly Li 清華大學數學博士 數論
重要經歷: 輔仁大學數學系助教授 國立清華大學數學系兼任講師 國立清華大學數學系助教
- Wen-Chen Chi and Anly Li, 1998, "Groups of continuous characters and Brauer groups ", Communications in algebra, 26 (12), p. 4171-4177. (SCI)
- Wen-Chen Chi and Anly Li, 2001, "Kummer theory of division points over Drinfeld modules of rank one", Journal of pure and applied algebra, 156, p. 171-185. (SCI)
- Anly Li, 2001, "A note on Kummer theory of division points over singular Drinfeld modules", Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., Vol. 64, p. 15-20. (SCI)
- Anly Li, 2002, "On the torsion points of Drinfeld modules in abelian extensions", Journal of pure and applied algebra, 176, p. 153-159. (SCI)
- Anly Li, 2006, "On the support problems for Drinfeld
modules", Communications in algebra, 34(6),p. 2167~2174.(SCI)
研究室號碼:MA408B 聯絡電話:(02)2905-3772 EMail:anlyli@math.fju.edu.tw 個人網頁: http://li.math.fju.edu.tw/
助理教授 葉乃實 Yeh, Nai-Sher 美國威斯康辛大學陌地生分校數學博士 流體力學、應用數學
- Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A., 1998.
- M.A. in Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin U.S.A., 1995.
- 學土: 輔仁大學數學系應數組, 1987.
- 中央研究院數學研究所博士後研究, 1998年6月
- Research Assistance to Professor Mei-Chang Shen, Center of Mathematical Science, in the research subject "Special Case of Forced Capillary-Gravity Waves in a Circular Basin Under Hocking's Edge Condition," funded by the Grand DMS-924508 from National Science Fundation(USA), Summer 1997.
- Research Assistance to Professor Mei-Chang Shen, Center of Mathematical Science, in the research subject "Exact Solution for Forced Capillary-Gravity Waves in a Circular Basin," funded by National Science Fundation(USA) under the Grand DMS-924508, Summer 1994, Summer 1995 and Summer 1996.
- Instructor of "The Play of Five Animals," Mini Course,UW-Extension, 1993.
現職: 輔仁大學數學系助理教授 臺北市國術會太極拳委員會教練 太極拳委員會縣市級裁判
專長領域: Linearized Forced Capillary-Gravity Waves Edge Conditions of Fluid Asymptotic Expansions Pointwise Topology and Basic Algebraic Topology
- “The Exact Solutions of the Problems in forced Capillary-Gravity Waves Generated by a Plane Wavemaker under Hocking’s Edge Condition,” Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, (accepted.)
- “Rigorous Proofs of the Expansion Theorems for the Problems of Forced Capillary-Gravity Waves Generated by Vertical Wavemakers,” Fu-Jen Studies 35 (2001), 1-14.
- “On a Special Case of Forced Capillary-Gravity Waves in a Circular Basin under Hocking’s Edge Condition,” Wave Motion 30 (1999), 91-96, with Professor Mei-Chang Shen.
- “Exact Solution for Forced Capillary-Gravity Waves in a Circular Basin under Hocking’s Edge Condition,” Wave Motion 26 (1997), 117-126, with Professor Mei-Chang Shen.
- Jea, Kang C.; Young, David M. On the simplification of generalized conjugate-gradient methods for nonsymmetrizable linear systems. Linear Algebra Appl. 52/53 (1983), 399--417. (Reviewer: N. N. Abdelmalek)
- “Discussions on the Problems in Forced Capillary-Gravity Waves Generated Outside of a Cylindrical Wavemaker under Hocking’s Edge Condition,” delivered at the 6th Taiwanese-Philippine Symposium on Analysis, Mathematics Department, National Sun Yat-sen University, October 21, 2005
- “Eigenvalue Problems in Forced Capillary-Gravity Waves Generated by a Cylindrical Wavemaker under Hocking’s Edge Condition,” delivered at the 4th Sino-Philippines Mathematics Symposium, Mathematics Department, Fu-Jen Catholic University, March 23, 2002
- “The Expansion Theorems and the Solutions for Forced Capillary-Gravity Waves Due to Vertical Wavemakers Under Hocking’s Edge Condition,” Proc. of the Mathematics Conference at the Fu Jen Catholic University (2000), 339-342.
- 「科學、科技與真理之追求」,求真之道─理外民使命 與特色叢書系列之一,第 7-25 頁,輔仁大學出版社
- “Contributions to Forced Capillary-Gravity Waves Under Hocking’s Edge Condition.”---博士論文
- “Discussions on the Problems in Forced Capillary-Gravity Waves Generated Outside of a Cylindrical Wavemaker under Hocking’s Edge Condition,” delivered at the 6th Taiwanese- Philippine Symposium on Analysis, Mathematics Department, National Sun Yat-sen University, October 21, 2005.
- 「科學、科技與真理之追求」,年○○二求真之道─理外民使命 與特色發展委員會二○○二年復活節研討會,2002年3月31日。
- “Eigenvalue Problems in Forced Capillary-Gravity Waves Generated by a Cylindrical Wavemaker under Hocking’s Edge Condition,” delivered at the 4th Sino-Philippines Mathematics Symposium, Mathematics Department, Fu-Jen Catholic University, March 23, 2002.
- “The Expansion Theorems and the Solutions for Forced Capillary-Gravity Waves Due to Vertical Wavemakers Under Hocking’s Edge Condition,”中華民國數學會1999年年會及學術研討會, 1999年12月12日.
- Linearized Problem for forced Capillary-Gravity Waves in a Circular Basin,” 國立東華大學星期五演講會, 1999年3月12日.
- “Exact Solution for forced Capillary-Gravity Waves in a Circular Basin under Hocking’s Edge Condition,”國立交通大學星期二演講會, 1998年12月15日.
- “Some New Results in Forced Capillary-Gravity Waves under Hocking’s Edge Condition,” 私立天主教輔仁大學星期三演講系列, 1998年5月.
- “Capillary-Gravity Waves Generated by a Circular Wave Maker under Hocking’s Edge Condition,” delivered at the Ph. D. Centennial Conference, Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Van Vleck Hall, Madison,Wisconsin, U. S. A. May 1997.
研究室號碼:MA315 聯絡電話:(02)2905-2460 EMail:nyeh@math.fju.edu.tw
助理教授 嚴健彰 Chien-Chang Yen 台灣大學數學博士 小波理論、數值計算 Astrophysical Computations、 Wavelet Theory and Its Applications、 Numerical Analysis
- I-Liang Chern and Chien-Chang Yen, Difference Wavelet --- Theory and A Comparison Study, Methods and Applications of Analysis, Vol 9, No. 4, pp.469--492, December 2002.
- Wei-Chang Shann and Chien-Chang Yen, Matrices and Quadrature Rules for Wavelets , Taiwan Jouranl of Mathematics, Vol 2, No. 4, pp.435--446, December 1998.
- Wei-Chang Shann and Chien-Chang Yen, On the Tau-Cycle Condition, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis No. 5, pp. 370--373, 1998
- Wei-Chang Shann and Chien-Chang Yen, On the Exact Values of Orthonormal Scaling Coefficients of Lengths 8 and 10, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis No. 6, pp. 109--112, 1998
研究室號碼:MA314 聯絡電話:(02)2905-3547 E-Mail: yen@math.fju.edu.tw 個人網頁 : http://ycc.math.fju.edu.tw/
助理教授 陳隆奇 L-C Chen 台灣大學數學博士 機率論
Probability--Exact Solution of Lattices Models in Statistical Mechanics.
- 博士:國立台灣大學數學所, 1997-2001.
- 碩士:國立清華大學應用數學所,1995-1997.
- 學土: 輔仁大學數學系應數組, 1991-1995.
- Department of Physics, Northeastern University, November 2004- February 2005, USA.
- The European Research Institute EURANDOM, Eindhoven University of Technology, August 2005, Netherlands.
- (with Chang-Pao Chen), Asymptotic behavior of trigonometric series with O-regularly varying quasimonotone coefficients, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 250(2000),13-26.
- ( with Chang-Pao Chen ), Asymptotic behavior of trigonometric series with O-regularly varying quasimonotone coefficients II, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 245(2000), 297-301.
- ( with F.Y. Wu ), "The Ramdom Cluster Model and New Summation and Integration Identities",J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 38(2005)6271-6276.
- ( with Narn-Rueih Shieh ), "Critical Behavior for an Oriented Percolation with Long-Range Interactions in dimensions $d>2$", Taiwanese J. Math. to appear.
研究室號碼:MA325 聯絡電話:(02)2905-3551 EMail:lcchen@math.fju.edu.tw 個人網頁 : http://mail.math.fju.edu.tw/~lcchen
助理教授 潘俊杰 Jun-Jie Pan 交通大學數學博士 組合數學、 組合最優化、 演算法
研究室號碼:MA409B 聯絡電話:(02)2905-3784 EMail:jackpan@math.fju.edu.tw
講師 黃文祥 Venne-Shiang Huang 淡江大學數學碩士 統計推論、存活分析、隨機過程與分佈理論
- Select Smoothing Parameter in Semiparametric regression Model (半母數回歸參數估計之研究)(84.10.1-85.7.31)
研究室號碼:MA316 聯絡電話:(02)2905-2574 EMail:vshuang@math.fju.edu.tw
講師 李樹政 Shu-Cheng Lee 輔仁大學數學碩士 實變分析
研究室號碼:MA324 聯絡電話:(02)2905-3550 EMail:sclee@math.fju.edu.tw